Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Baby It's Cold Outside

The weather has changed to almost winter weather now, and it was so cold out when I picked Kief up from school.  I have been having alot of fights with him lately, and when he refused to wear his jacket, I decided to pick that fight in a different way, and so instead of arguing, I gave an evil little laugh (inside my head of course) and braced myself for the judging looks of the other moms as we headed outside with Kiefer's jacket half dragging on the ground (as I refused to carry it).  

This day, I let him walk as slowly as he wanted, spin as many circles as he wanted and dawdle the time away, glad I'd had to park a ways away from the school.  His cumbersome jacket hitting the ground got a few whines, but that was it, so as we left I I rolled down my window and turned the cold air on.  Not a complaint from him.  So I roll my window down the rest of the way and rearrange the vents to shoot at him.  Still he chatted away without a complaint.  We were almost home now.  I drove slower and cranked the air up all the way.  Still not a peep about being cold.  Fine, I will use the power of suggestion.  

"Aren't you cold yet?"  

"Nope!  Not even a little bit!"  

Curses!  My plan has completely failed!  I have lost my battle!  Noooooooo!  "What?!!"  I exclaim.  "I have to see this - I'm going to check your hands when we get back!"

He's giggling now, and willingly lets me check his hands once we park.  Sure enough they are mildly cool, but not one bit cold.  I do not know how he did it, but he won.  Maybe I won't bother arguing with him about the coat anymore.  I have conceded defeat - what's the point in arguing when he's right!  *sigh*  I feel the judging stares coming my way!

1 comment:

EJ said...

Miss G is the same way - and I just smirk at the judgy moms as if to say "My kid is better than yours - she has super powers that block cold!"